Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 11...A broken Heart

ok ok ok i know..... The last blog was a little emo, and so is this one, but bare with me for a little bit.... right now im stuck...between wanting a steady, simple, girlfriend who i can just kick it with and watch a movie, and wanting to be a player who fucks every hott girl ive ever met....

the funny thing that girls are in love with players, the more i act like i dont care or the more girls i sleep with....the more girls want me.... in a way its kind of sad though, because a part of me wants something real to hold on too....

I know... this blog was supposed to be about figuring out women and what it takes to get to know them better and to get them in the bed....but after 10 weeks im starting to realize alot of things just because of what ive done....

So this week ill leave you with this, by next week I will know what i want, and i will be going 100% for it....(If your an avid follower, i apologize for the inconvienve, dont worry ill be back to doing dirty deeds in no time.)

This weeks tip..."Dont try to create something out of nothing." If your heart or your heads not into talking to girls, dont force it, it only makes it worse...
Until next week my friends....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 10.."The Game."

As i sit on my computer desk, the only question that pops into my head is why?

Why do we play these stupid Games?

Dont text her too early, or too late, or too much, or not enough, dont call her so soon, wait 2 weeks if you really like her, show up late to a date, show up early to show her your commited, dont pay for dinner, pay for dinner to show her you care,pull her chair out, blow her off a couple times so she really will start to like you, bring her around your friends so she knows how cool you are, if she calls ignore to really get her to want you, treat her bad to show you dont care, treat her good to show you are a good guy, never show your emotions, pretend to always be happy.....


Why do we play such stupid games? Why cant someone just tell another person, "Hey, I like you, and i want to hang out"

Why is that such a deal breaker??

Why do people run so far away when someone says something like that??

You think about it, this week is all about reflection...

The tip is.
"If you dont know what you want, your never going to get it."

Make sure that you know what you want, and dont be afraid to go for it. And if they dont feel the same way you do, then they didnt deserve you in the first place....

Monday, July 11, 2011