Tuesday, August 9, 2011

week 12..."Action"

Watsup bloggers...i know i know....its been to long, trust me i feel you on that...

what have i been up to??? well besides from being emo from having my heart broken(i know cry me a river) ive been busy drinking, smoking, and partying my ass off....so excuse my absence....

Through all this stupidity, i stumbled onto a very clear fact....and to keep this blog up and running i felt i shouldnt post until i had real evidence, or real knowledge that i should share that could help out the fellow man.... and it was actually wise words that were passed down to me.....

She told me: "Dont listen to what she says, watch what she does."

In other words, dont listen to the words when a girl says i want to hang out, or she really likes you, or she thinks your really cute...forget all of that....

Everybody lies, and face it, you would lie to a girl too if you knew you could get something out of it, the truth is we do it all the time....we tell them "oh your so pretty" "wow your perfect" my favorite, "i cant believe ive never met you before, your so cool".... When really all were thinking is where can i stick my dick...(blunt but true, and i know that made you laugh)

Anyways, this weeks tip is.
"Forget what there saying, watch what they are doing."

If a girl spends all her time telling you she wants to hang out but flakes for the randomest reasons....sorry bro....somebody else has her heart.... quit waiting and go hit on the next girl odds are shes better than the last....

Until next week my friends.....(or month depending on how life goes.)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 11...A broken Heart

ok ok ok i know..... The last blog was a little emo, and so is this one, but bare with me for a little bit.... right now im stuck...between wanting a steady, simple, girlfriend who i can just kick it with and watch a movie, and wanting to be a player who fucks every hott girl ive ever met....

the funny thing is....is that girls are in love with players, the more i act like i dont care or the more girls i sleep with....the more girls want me.... in a way its kind of sad though, because a part of me wants something real to hold on too....

I know... this blog was supposed to be about figuring out women and what it takes to get to know them better and to get them in the bed....but after 10 weeks im starting to realize alot of things just because of what ive done....

So this week ill leave you with this, by next week I will know what i want, and i will be going 100% for it....(If your an avid follower, i apologize for the inconvienve, dont worry ill be back to doing dirty deeds in no time.)

This weeks tip..."Dont try to create something out of nothing." If your heart or your heads not into talking to girls, dont force it, it only makes it worse...
Until next week my friends....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 10.."The Game."

As i sit on my computer desk, the only question that pops into my head is why?

Why do we play these stupid Games?

Dont text her too early, or too late, or too much, or not enough, dont call her so soon, wait 2 weeks if you really like her, show up late to a date, show up early to show her your commited, dont pay for dinner, pay for dinner to show her you care,pull her chair out, blow her off a couple times so she really will start to like you, bring her around your friends so she knows how cool you are, if she calls ignore to really get her to want you, treat her bad to show you dont care, treat her good to show you are a good guy, never show your emotions, pretend to always be happy.....


Why do we play such stupid games? Why cant someone just tell another person, "Hey, I like you, and i want to hang out"

Why is that such a deal breaker??

Why do people run so far away when someone says something like that??

You think about it, this week is all about reflection...

The tip is.
"If you dont know what you want, your never going to get it."

Make sure that you know what you want, and dont be afraid to go for it. And if they dont feel the same way you do, then they didnt deserve you in the first place....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

week 8 "Drunk Chicks"

I Know i know....its almost like gods gift, but its really a 50-50 split. A cool drunk girl can chill and not spill everything,(including her brain) a bad drunk girl can ruin any night.....no matter how good you could ever plan something...this week me and my friend met back up with a couple girls from out of town that me met a couple of weeks ago... the plan was simple, bbq it up with her, meet her friends (which is pretty important if you know anything at all)  spend some time, drink some brews, get her alone......and get to the business like i had a tie on....(hahah yeah budday)


I kinda saw it falling apart before i could even start


.... i wish i rememberd her name but all i can remember about this girl is that she was very drunk, very stupid, very wierd, and couldnt stop saying things like "What are we doing?",and  "Im So Drunk" ,or "My Feet Hurt" and my favorite "This Isnt Even Cracking"...... Half of me wanted to throw her as far as i could but i figured that wouldnt help my chances of actually getting the girl i wanted.... so imagine walking around a drunk girl waiting to kick it but never actually getting the chance.....
This weeks tip..."Find a distraction for the drunk one and leave."

In A Side Note On Some Hangover Shit My Boy Actually Found A Picture Of This Girl In His Phone And I Convinced Him To Let Me Post It Up..... If You See Her...hahahaha.....

Until next week my friends...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 7, Fuck You

Alright this weeks a little different, no long bullshit story, no long intro, no stupid metaphors, just the simple truth.. If you want to be successfull with women, you have to stop giving a shit.....Throw out every idea you have ever had and just say fuck it.....Do the complete opposite of what your expected to do, and by some wierd twist of magic, it works every time......

This weeks tip... "The more you try, the worse you look."
So quit trying and treat girls like they are disposable and they will come in the masses....

(If this weeks blog seems a bit off, blame it on the alcahol, it was a crazy weekend after all)
Until next week my friends....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 6, "The Wave."

I have to admit, starting this week i was definitely depressed. I was coming off a 2 week binge of hennessy and red bull every night which finnally came to a crashing halt on  thursday with me puking out my spleen, liver, some intestines, and whatever else was left in my stomach all over the floor, bed, bathroom, and hallway of my unfortunate friend. (Sorry..) So began my week, hungover for what seemed like eternity, confused because everything had been going so good, and cursing my job for making me work what seems like slave labor. To make things worse, all the girls in my phone mysteriously all fell off the face of the planet, some couldnt hang out because of graduation, others already had plans with someone else, and some just didnt pick my phone call.(ouch...but then again i do tend to make some late night last minute calls....) So there I was, detoxing off a crazy couple of weeks, celibate for what seemed like eternity,(a couple days ), and slowly losing hope....But somehow, everything can turn around so fast on a friday night.....
It was about 2 Am, the clubs had already closed and me and a close friend were on our way back to our houses,when we saw a 2 girls walking by themselves...We introduced ourselves to see where the conversation would go, and it was clear from the first line that something was going down, and it ended up pretty well......about 4:30 that morning we ended up on the beach playing a game I like to call, "no shirts"...which is exactly what you think it is..... you take your shirt off first, then they take theres off, then the pants come off, and so on and so on....So as I lay in the sand with my shirt off, her bra pushing against my chest and cold sand running down my back and onto my legs, I realized something very important.(besides from the fact that I had a boner.)
The fact is that women come and go, sometimes you can ride the high of having alot, and keep the momentum going, but sometimes you will hit the ground and crash head first into a wall.(Dust yourself off playboy and get back up.) This weeks Tip is..........
"Ride the wave, but dont be afraid to let it crash."
Youll probably end up like I did, grinning at about 5 in the morning while a girl whispers in my ear to bite a little harder......until next week my friends....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 5 "The Good Girl."

This week is all about the good girl......and as soon as I started writing this I realized that there are two different types of people.... The first kind, as soon as seeing the title good girl, thought to themselves of a sweet, beautiful amazing girl that they would love to be with.....(Quit cupcaking you beezy...haha) And then there are the people that read the title and instantly remembered, that a good girl is alot like trying to find a missing sock in a pair, you know it exists, you would love to have it, and you swear you saw it once, but finding it just isnt going to happen....(Cold hearted, Yikes...)
The Basic truth is that they are both right, although we all have ideas in our head of what a "Good Girl" really is, the smarter amongst us realize that there are practically any left.... So this week i met a girl named Olivia...and Olivia is a beautiful hawaiin girl who works for greenpeace...(I dont know how you judge women, but on my scale she looks like shes winning...) She approached me to sign me up for greenpeace, of course I did, and by the end of conversation we had plans to go on a date. We met up a couple days after and got some sushi, and while I was dropping her off she asked me if I would like to come inside.(I know, i know, i know, its go time is exactly what i was thinking too.) But once i was inside and tried to get closer to her, she closed up and acted very nervous. Of course I didnt know what to do, so rather then treat her like a normal girl and just push my way in, I decided to just relax and not force anything to happen. Sad to say, I left the house an hour later to let her write an essay.(Again I am always entertained by the things girls will say to get you to go haha.) When i woke up the next day i realized the ugly and very plain truth when it comes to "Good Girls."..... I should have just gone for it....
This weeks tip is....
"Even good girls want it, so dont be afraid to go for what you want." Lesson Learned...Until next week

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 4. "Sluts"

Yes....This week is all about sluts.....Easy girls....Girls who are down......And girls who just cant say no.....It seems like a gift from the heavens actually, you meet a hott girl, she likes you from the get go, first time you hang out......You guys get down...Things couldnt be any better.....(Nope,not the truth at all)....
So why this week though?? You have to be thinking why this week did I decide to talk about sluts??
Let me tell you a story then, about a cute girl i met named ellie.(Ellie is a cute name you cant lie.)
Anyways...I met ellie while she was working in the deli, she seemed like a cool girl so i told her whenever she worked again i would come get a sandwich from her specifically.....I came back in on monday, got the sandwich from her, got her number....and spent the night at her house that night...Now, alot of you may be screaming victory, may be running to tell your friends how it was, and may be bragging to anyone who will listen....But, sluts come at a heavy price, and if your like me then its easy to confuse sex with emotions and here is where the problem lies.....this week i shall keep it pretty straight forward and hit the nail on the head in terms of sluts. This weeks tip is, 'If your going to date a slut, make sure your dating someone else."(Because when you realize that the girl that gave it up very fast doesnt mean much, its good to have a backup plan.....) Until next week my friends....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 3 "TeamWork."

Yes... Teamwork, the stuff they taugh us in kindergarden...is your best friend.... Its as simple as this, who would you rather be? The person who showed up with no food and has to find some? Or the person who brought the steak and might just share with everybody??(If you didnt keep up its a metaphor for women..) The point being...TeamWork can save your life........(yes) if your like me then you go out every night searching for one thing...Somone to take home....(Cmon u know What i Mean.....) But if your like me then your doing it all wrong and spending your time chasing women in clubs and bars hoping they pay attention to you....but  you see the nightime is not the time to get the girl, its the time to show the girl off...For girls, the club is like a challenge they can win, alot go out thinking "I will deny every guy who approaches me to prove something"....which is where teamwork is key...get to know some girls on a real basis first, then get them to go the club with you, that way when everybodys drunk, and guys are hitting on her, she will turn to you and think..."Wow...hes my real friend....." This week ill keep it short n simple then, "Some say broes over hoes, but i say get the hoes to trust u first...."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 2 " The Fumble"

Sunday morning sunlight came through the window,and i thought....where am i?? I looked to the right, recognized the girl, remembered she was hott,and then spent the whole day in bed with her,(who doesnt love saturday nite?).........................................................(you know you love it).........................................
Enough bragging haha this weeks story is actually about a fail that happened a couple of days ago...
This girl named camile hits me up on facebook and says she loves my music cuz i dropped some music on her page, and instantly i was attracted to her. You know the type......young, hott, getting alot of attention everywhere she goes, that kinda thing...(Yes) So i went in, i started asking her about who she was and what she did, turns out she's a singer and has some pretty hott youtube videos...(Yes again) I thought i was in for sure, cmon easy snatch right because she came to me first?? Haha well it wasnt that easy, when i first sent her a message back she was questioning me like most girls do when they first meet new guys to try to see where i fit in into her social life and i fumbled the ball. After asking me where i lived she asked me who i knew,and i drew a blank...since i didnt know anyone she knew, she lost all her interest with that one question.(Fuck)When i did ask her if she wanted to hang out she said, "Well see, maybe when i get my voice back.." Wow...the things girl think of always makes me laugh, anyways you can see where this is headed...Failed pretty tough, haha so this weeks tip is:
"Even if she comes to you and shes interested, make sure your prepared to pass her tests." Otherwise you could end up there, with nothing to say watching a chance you had slip out of your hands.......
(By the way, the girl from last week who was DTF hit me up, n i told her to lose my phone number, never waste time if you had them before,Until next week my friends....)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 1 "The beginning"

The first week of my blog, wow...so many things to discuss (haha). I guess i should start with a little information about myself. Small town kid, grew up shy and skinny, not a lot of girls liked me.. perhaps thats what drives me so hard now a days, a feeling that i have something to make up for, because while i watched everyone else socialize and have fun, i stayed in the background (sorry that got emo). Anyways, lets get down to what were here for...This WEEKEND....Cinco de mayo was on a thursday...brought one of my friends along and decided to hit some bars and see what happened, great night actually,but just one hiccup. The girl that i had (who was down to fuck by the way) left with her friends and told me "Meet me at my house." I nodded up and down and tried to control my excitement. As we left the bar however, it was only 1 Am, my friend turned to me and said "hey you down to hit up one more place?" Stupidly, i agreed.....and if your following along this should be easy to see coming....we got out of that bar at 1:30, called my girl...and she promptly ignored my call....and i went home to wack off in tears (joke). Anyways, this weeks tip is
"If you do find the girl who wants to go home with you, make that your first priority."