Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 4. "Sluts"

Yes....This week is all about sluts.....Easy girls....Girls who are down......And girls who just cant say no.....It seems like a gift from the heavens actually, you meet a hott girl, she likes you from the get go, first time you hang out......You guys get down...Things couldnt be any better.....(Nope,not the truth at all)....
So why this week though?? You have to be thinking why this week did I decide to talk about sluts??
Let me tell you a story then, about a cute girl i met named ellie.(Ellie is a cute name you cant lie.)
Anyways...I met ellie while she was working in the deli, she seemed like a cool girl so i told her whenever she worked again i would come get a sandwich from her specifically.....I came back in on monday, got the sandwich from her, got her number....and spent the night at her house that night...Now, alot of you may be screaming victory, may be running to tell your friends how it was, and may be bragging to anyone who will listen....But, sluts come at a heavy price, and if your like me then its easy to confuse sex with emotions and here is where the problem lies.....this week i shall keep it pretty straight forward and hit the nail on the head in terms of sluts. This weeks tip is, 'If your going to date a slut, make sure your dating someone else."(Because when you realize that the girl that gave it up very fast doesnt mean much, its good to have a backup plan.....) Until next week my friends....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 3 "TeamWork."

Yes... Teamwork, the stuff they taugh us in your best friend.... Its as simple as this, who would you rather be? The person who showed up with no food and has to find some? Or the person who brought the steak and might just share with everybody??(If you didnt keep up its a metaphor for women..) The point being...TeamWork can save your life........(yes) if your like me then you go out every night searching for one thing...Somone to take home....(Cmon u know What i Mean.....) But if your like me then your doing it all wrong and spending your time chasing women in clubs and bars hoping they pay attention to you....but  you see the nightime is not the time to get the girl, its the time to show the girl off...For girls, the club is like a challenge they can win, alot go out thinking "I will deny every guy who approaches me to prove something"....which is where teamwork is key...get to know some girls on a real basis first, then get them to go the club with you, that way when everybodys drunk, and guys are hitting on her, she will turn to you and think..."Wow...hes my real friend....." This week ill keep it short n simple then, "Some say broes over hoes, but i say get the hoes to trust u first...."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 2 " The Fumble"

Sunday morning sunlight came through the window,and i thought....where am i?? I looked to the right, recognized the girl, remembered she was hott,and then spent the whole day in bed with her,(who doesnt love saturday nite?).........................................................(you know you love it).........................................
Enough bragging haha this weeks story is actually about a fail that happened a couple of days ago...
This girl named camile hits me up on facebook and says she loves my music cuz i dropped some music on her page, and instantly i was attracted to her. You know the type......young, hott, getting alot of attention everywhere she goes, that kinda thing...(Yes) So i went in, i started asking her about who she was and what she did, turns out she's a singer and has some pretty hott youtube videos...(Yes again) I thought i was in for sure, cmon easy snatch right because she came to me first?? Haha well it wasnt that easy, when i first sent her a message back she was questioning me like most girls do when they first meet new guys to try to see where i fit in into her social life and i fumbled the ball. After asking me where i lived she asked me who i knew,and i drew a blank...since i didnt know anyone she knew, she lost all her interest with that one question.(Fuck)When i did ask her if she wanted to hang out she said, "Well see, maybe when i get my voice back.." Wow...the things girl think of always makes me laugh, anyways you can see where this is headed...Failed pretty tough, haha so this weeks tip is:
"Even if she comes to you and shes interested, make sure your prepared to pass her tests." Otherwise you could end up there, with nothing to say watching a chance you had slip out of your hands.......
(By the way, the girl from last week who was DTF hit me up, n i told her to lose my phone number, never waste time if you had them before,Until next week my friends....)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 1 "The beginning"

The first week of my blog, many things to discuss (haha). I guess i should start with a little information about myself. Small town kid, grew up shy and skinny, not a lot of girls liked me.. perhaps thats what drives me so hard now a days, a feeling that i have something to make up for, because while i watched everyone else socialize and have fun, i stayed in the background (sorry that got emo). Anyways, lets get down to what were here for...This WEEKEND....Cinco de mayo was on a thursday...brought one of my friends along and decided to hit some bars and see what happened, great night actually,but just one hiccup. The girl that i had (who was down to fuck by the way) left with her friends and told me "Meet me at my house." I nodded up and down and tried to control my excitement. As we left the bar however, it was only 1 Am, my friend turned to me and said "hey you down to hit up one more place?" Stupidly, i agreed.....and if your following along this should be easy to see coming....we got out of that bar at 1:30, called my girl...and she promptly ignored my call....and i went home to wack off in tears (joke). Anyways, this weeks tip is
"If you do find the girl who wants to go home with you, make that your first priority."