Thursday, November 22, 2012

week 15... "Turkey Day."

Wow, its been so long...where have you been?? Well, lets just say that i was locked in a cage for a while, but i found a way out... Anyways happy thanksgiving yall, apologies to the people that have been anxiously waiting on me to write a new blog, ive been busy.... but not that busy.. lets start with last night though and get back into our work...

The day before thanksgiving, somehow my whole city was swept up with the same idea, in a last ditch effort find someone special before the holiday and suprisingly i found one... but lost her to the night (oh no i thought you were superman)... anyways long story short i met up with some high school friends who were back in town and had the same idea in mind, and bam theres a girl that used to waiter at a local bar... well one thing leads to another and she starts hanging with me, holding on to my pants n buying me shots, done deal im thinking right?? Wrong.....i was walking around with her and we had ditched her friend, stupidly i went to go say hi and bring her back into our circle...but since her friend wasnt getting any D (which means dick) she started taking her away from me....

I would go on but you can tell the story from here, lost her for the night, went home alone, spent a couple hours drunk calling people. "Hey please come over your so sexy..." Where does that even come from??

The lesson for the week, jealous friends WILL stop you from sleeping with her friend, so either roll with a wing man who will take one for the team, or IGNORE and SEPERATE from all friends that way she goes home with you...

Stay Thirsty my friends ill be back next week, where we can talk about, Lyzz, the cuban dancer from austrailia...(sounds good right??)