Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 14 "Break ups"

Ooooooh, poor baby...hold ur little head, its gonna be ok hahha.... You know, sooner or later i knew i had to talk about this, its inevitable that after a matter of time, that special person, the one you love so much, the one whos laundry you do, who you take care of while theyre sick, who do you nasty freaky things to and tell them nothings wierd about any of there requests (really, you want me to wear a teddy bear costume, i guess so...haha.), its only a matter of time before you are faced with the truth, that the light just isnt shining as bright as you thought it was, and it comes time to say goodbye....But why is it such an ulgy process??

Its always suprised me, because when a relationship first starts, its for such simple reasons, they had a fat ass, or a nice car, or they had tatoo's, or because your friend told you they wanted you, and its all so simple. You learn more about then and they seem perfect,but  have you ever wondered why at the beggening its so easy, and then when you break up you find yourself saying things like.."You know, our lives are just headed in different directions"(what the fuck does that even mean, no your not going to be an austronaut, your working at Valero) or "You know we just grew apart"(no you just got to know them and realized there a kook), my all time favorite though "Maybe now isnt the right time for us." (which means sorry i dont want you but i want to know you still will want me in the future in case i cant find someone better than you....ouchhh my hearts breaking a little at that one.)

Anyways, heres what I can say, if your coming to the end of a relationship but are scared put the nail in the coffin, ask yourself this, are you willing to invest time into someone who isnt giving you everything you need? You may give yourself some excuses, say that they will change, or that love is about compromise, but thats all bullshit, people dont change and love is a fairtytale not a battlefield...With 6 billion people in the world, you deserve the one you want, not the one you have to fix...(wont work)  I'll leave you with this little quote my mom told me once.

"If they are the one, you would be with them.".....Pull the trigger if isnt working, delaying the inevitable only makes it worse and it makes you a pussy, no bueno... (and if your not in a relationship,and reading this, then go get some girls and see how many u can fit into your bed, my records 3, think you can beat me?)....Until next week my friends, maybe this picture will remind you.....