Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 13... Love

Ahhhhh, it feels good to be home.... excuse if you will, my absense, but i felt it neccessary to step away from blogging and do a little living....But now im back in black...

This week i want to talk about love, and relationships....ahh yes, you know, a relationship,that akward moment when you start liking the girl your sleeping with...yes, that moment.....

Too many people are afraid of love, or afraid to take a chance, because theyve been hurt, or they saw there friends get hurt, or because they secretly like animals (Akward turtle), whatever the reason, people have a million and one excuses as to why they cant be in a relationship....Youve seen the posts on facebook and twitter, "Im an independent women, I dont need a man to be happy, blah blah blah,." Mine as well put a desperate sticker on your face because its obvious.

Even worse are the guys, "I dont need no bitch, I gets my money..." Yes, somebody clearly broke your heart...(ouch if you felt that, im sorry but its kinda easy to see.)

I'll leave you with this, all those people who spend there nights at the clubs, or spend there nights out at parties, or spend there nights chasing that perfect person or perfect moment, truely only want to find someone they can lay on the couch with, eat a snack, watch a movie, slap bones a couple times (sexy time), and pass out in each others arms...(you cant deny it because as you read that a little smile crept onto your face...gotchu)

This weeks tip,"Dont ever lose sight of your goal, sure alot of beautiful women are amazing to have, but all it takes is one to show you what you were really looking for."

Until next week my friends..... (I know, I know, You love me...)

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